What Makes Skills Improvement Faster?

You have spent most of your time training day in day out. Perfecting your craft and probably wondering and thinking inside your head and telling yourself. Why after all this training, you rarely see or experience much improvement in you as a football player. Skills improvement varies from player to player. Some can see improvement in weeks, some in months and even years.

You have to realize and believe that every training session that you do is meant and worth something to you, it is better than doing nothing and procrastinating. Skills improvement takes time and it is not going to be overnight. You might not see it now, but 3 years or 5 years down the line, you’ll be thankful to yourself for the amount of work you have done.

However, there are things that you can do to speed up and accelerate your improvement as a football player, it is not a magic button or anything like that. Those things do not exist, everything takes time and process and importantly, patience.

There are three things or mindset you can incorporate each time you have a training session:

Strive for Perfection

Each and every drill you do, you want to do it perfectly, preferably without any mistakes. But it is likely not going to happen, because we are human beings and human beings made mistakes. Even professional players made mistakes here and there.

Hence, that’s why you train and try to perfect those skills in order to develop your game. Put your body and mind to what you do at the moment, basically being focus and the present moment. Because it is one of the important points that can hinder your result of perfection.

Redo Imperfect Set

Related to point number one, if you do make mistakes, take it as if it is not a big deal. Just redo it again and again until you master it. This the reason why you train, to make those weaknesses into your strengths.

At this point, you have to be patient and I know it is easy to say and hard to apply it. I’ve experienced this myself as well. It is fine to be frustrated and angry, it is the nature of human beings. But you have to be able to control yourself so it won’t affect your attitude towards your session.


This last point is equally as important as the first two. You have to analyse mistakes you have done and know what you did wrong as well as knowing how to do it better next time. It might be simple little details like not locking your ankle and leaning forward when you shoot, not scanning the field before you receive the ball, etc.

Finally, just keep training and improving. Keep doing what you doing and apply these ways of thinking to each training session you do. It might be overwhelming at first and might not be the most fun, but for sure these are things that would develop your progression faster and definitely, you will enjoy the results. Anyways, stay safe at this unique moment and keep ballin’!


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